Episode 16: Reclaiming the Colorado

Episode 16: Reclaiming the Colorado

Welcome to the 16th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel interviews John Mahkewa, Hopi Elder, Permaculture consultant and water defender about his project the Yuma Convergence and his efforts to help restore the Colorado River. In this conversation, John shares stories of his indigenous traditions and how we can heal our own relationship with the earth and waters.

Before the interview, I talk about new additions and updates to our Patreon page.

Special thanks to our episode sponsors, Cricket and Iris Magical Botanicals.


Show Notes

Grace Chapella -John’s Grandmother and famous Hopi ceramic artist

Permaculture Principles

Sturgeon on the Colorado

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Wild Witches Episode 1: Drawing Down the Moon

Wild Witches Episode 1: Drawing Down the Moon

I wanted to post this conversation between myself and two of my favorite witches, Moondancer and Enku from our Wild Witches Year and a Day class as a bit of lagniappe for y’all listeners. In this discussion we talk about several topics around witchcraft traditions discussed in the book Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler and go on to discuss other topics such as witchcraft traditions, and even talk about QAnon and the Tarot is a closed practice debacle.

Show Notes:

Wild Witches Year and a Day Community.

MW Margaret Murray: What Science Calls Nature and Religion Calls God

Isobel Gowdie

Raven Grimassi

No Tarot is not a closed practice

TikTok Witches Hexing the moon

The SOS in my Halloween Decorations

A Thread on the Wild Witches Year and a Day community that links all the traditions and groups discussed in the book and where they are today


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 15: #WitchesGettinVaccinated

Episode 15: #WitchesGettinVaccinated

Welcome to the 15th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

For this episode, I have a conversation with fellow Science Witch, Kat Borealis of the Borealis Meditation podcast. In our conversation, we discuss how her geological studies intersect and affirm her spirituality, and then discuss the COVID-19 vaccine in an effort to combat misinformation in the spiritual community about these vaccines. We introduce the hashtage #WitchesGettinVaccinated and invite anyone out there listening to use it in their social media platforms to support vaccine and science literacy.

Before the interview, I talk about new additions and updates to our Patreon page.

Special thanks to our episode sponsors, Cricket and Iris Magical Botanicals.


Show Notes

Stop AAIP Hate

Keep a watch on our FB page and I will be posting the pressed cherry blossoms to mail out to people who make a 15 USD minimum donation to Stop AAIP Hate.

Do trees talk to each other?

Starhawk responds to negative comments about her getting vaccinated

Unlocking the potential of vaccines built on messenger RNA

Timberwars podcast series


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 14: Women’s movement and Witchcraft with Phaedra Bonewits

Episode 14: Episode 14- Women’s Movement and Witchcraft with Phaedra Bonewits

Welcome to the 14th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

Happy 1 year anniversary to the start of the Science Witch Podcast! For our 14th episode, Anjel interviews pagan elder in the witchcraft and neopagan community, Phaedra Bonewits. In our conversation we discuss the women’s spirituality movement and its influence on witchcraft and what important lessons Phaedra would like younger witches to know about this important time in our collective her-story. We also talk a bit about modern expression of witchcraft and how the neopagan community needs to evolve to encompass all gender diversity, as well as share some interesting anecdotes about her late husband, Issac Bonewits. 

Before the interview, I talk about new additions and updates to our Patreon page.

Special thanks to our episode sponsors, As Above, LLC.


Show Notes

Wild Witches of the Willamette

Wild Witches Year and a Day class

Mastering Witchcraft by Paul Huson

A discussion on Baby Witches From the Seeking Witchcraft Podcast

Waking the Witch by Pam Grossman

Missing Witches Episode on Zea Budapest

Real Magic: An Introductory Treatise on the Basic Principles of Yellow Magic


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 13 : Interview with Oz; Intersections of Paganism and Science Fiction

Episode 13: Interview with Oz; Intersections of Paganism and Science Fiction

Welcome to the 13th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel interviews Oberon Zel Ravenhart, Pagan elder and professional wizard about the intersections of science fiction and the Neo-Pagan Movement.

Before the interview, I talk about new additions and updates to our Patreon page.

Special thanks to our first official episode sponsors, As Above, LLC.

Facebook @as.above.salem

Instagram @as_above_salem


Show Notes

Documentary about Oz

Drawing down the Moon by Margot Adler, 2005 edition

Occult America: White House Seances, Ouija Circles, Masons, and the Secret Mystic History of Our Nation
Stranger in a Strange Land

Grey School of Wizardry

Altered Carbon

American Gods

The Expanse

Strange Angel


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 12: Interview with Roady; Chaos Magick, Neurodivergence and Nostilgiamancy

Episode 12: Interview with Roady; Chaos Magick, Neurodivergence and Nostilgiamancy

Welcome to the 12th episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel interviews Roady the Wayward Dragon about Chaos Magick, the role of neurodivergence in magick, and how he practices his Nostalgiamancy. Before the interview, I talk about new changes the podcast as well as new additions and updates to our Patreon page.

Special thanks to our first official episode sponsors, As Above, LLC.

Facebook @as.above.salem

Instagram @as_above_salem


Show Notes



If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 11: Frankincense, Myrrh, and other resins for your sacred smoke practice with Amy Blackthorn

Episode 11: Interview with Amy Blackthorn

Welcome to the eleventh episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel interviews Amy Blackthorn of Blackthorn’s Botanicals and they talk about how to respectfully and thoughtfully develop your own smoke cleansing practice, as well as information about the history of two resins that have important significance to the ancient word and modern witchcraft: frankincense and myrrh. Amy also talks about her upcoming new book project and shares some wisdom and insight in working with these plant allies in a myriad of ways beyond just smoke cleansing.

At the end of the episode Anjel shares a remembrance of their friend, Richard Stratton, who passed away early in December, and reads a brief poem that he had written.


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

Show Notes

Sacred Smoke: Clear Away Negative Energies and Purify Body, Mind, and Spirit

Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic: The Green Witch’s Guide to Essential Oils for Spellcraft, Ritual & Healing

Blackthorn’s Botanical Brews: Herbal Potions, Magical Teas, and Spirited Libations

Fred Soll Incense

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 10: Mycorrhizal Magick

Episode 10: Mycorrhizal Magick

Welcome to the tenth episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel does a deep dive into a topic near and dear to their heart: mushrooms! Anjel has a masters degree in biology, with an emphasis on mycology, and their graduate research was on ectomycorrhizal fungi.


If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

Show Notes

The Social Dilemma

Science Witch Podcast on Patreon

There are ascomycetes that are ectomycorrhizal too, including the fungus that produces Truffles, Rhizopogon and Glomus.


Foraging Fungi in National Forest

There are dichotomous keys for animals and minerals too.

Mushroom Demystified – David Arora

Plant and Fungus Totems: Connect with Spirits of Field, Forest, and Garden by Lupa

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 9: Essential Oils

Episode 9: Essential Oils

Episode 9: Essential Oils

Welcome to the ninth episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel and Iris explore essential oils, inspired by an episode of the Netflix docuseries Unwell, which takes an unflinching look at current wellness trends. Learn about how witchcraft intersects with the scientific validation of aromatherapy, and how not to get caught up in a multilevel marketing company, also referred to as a pyramid scheme.

We also talk a bit about what’s happening in Portland and the world more broadly. See full show notes below!

If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

Show Notes

Unwell on Netflix

Breitenbush Hot springs

Opal Creek Wilderness

Shellburg Falls

Organizations to Donate to Oregon Wildfire relief

Clackamas County deputy placed on leave after sharing antifa wildfire rumors in online video

Resources about Ancient Egyptians and essential oil use: https://deathscent.com/2016/09/08/the-fragrance-of-the-soul-olfaction-death-in-ancient-egypt-religion-egypt-part-iii


Validation of Aromatherapy

Study with Lavender: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3612440/

Essential Oils can cause allergic reactions:

Green Witchcraft: A Practical Guide to Discovering the Magic of Plants, Herbs, Crystals, and Beyond by Paige Vanderbeck

Essential Oil Vendors

The Raven’s Wing Magickal Company

Essential Trading Post


Windy Farms Lavender Essential Oil

The Lavender Shop

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.

Episode 8: Composting Magic with Worms + Portland Update

Episode 8: Composting Magic with Worms + Portland Update
Episode 8: Composting Magic with Worms + Portland Update

Welcome to the eighth episode of the Science Witch Podcast!

In this episode, Anjel and Iris share all kinds of goodness on the magic of composting with worms, how you can take more control of both your food and waste stream—and how microorganisms may just be the magical entities that will save us all.

We also talk a bit about what’s happening in Portland and the world more broadly in terms of both the Movement for Black Lives, including Black Lives Matter. See full show notes below!

If you have any question, thoughts, or feedback, we’d love to hear from you! Send questions to questions@sciencewitchpodcast.com and we’ll follow up and, with your permission, share it on an upcoming episode.

Also… please follow us, share this episode out, give us a fabulous rating and let others know about what we’re up to so we can keep growing this sweet little community of ours!

Black Lives Matter

Show Notes

That Witch Life Podcast, Episode 48: Mushroom Magick With Anjel

Psilocybin Therapy, Oregon Ballot Measure 109

How to Change your Mind by Michael Pollan

Food of the Gods by Terence McKenna

Family members of Oregonians killed by police discuss grief, community and next steps

PDX Witches

Racist Past and Present of Portland, and Oregon More Broadly

Nested Design for Worm Bins

Compost Everything: The Good Guide to Extreme Composting by David the Good

E. coli outbreak in AZ linked to farm in Yuma

Pacific Trash Vortex

These Tiny Microbes are Munching Away at Plastic Waste in the Ocean

“From that point of view, taking responsibility for our own shit, on every level, is a spiritual necessity. There is no myth more fascinating, no realm of spirit or faerie more strange, exotic and entrancing, than the amazing creatures of the microbial world whose birth, growth, death and decay makes compost out of waste. For gardeners, soil builders and earth healers, there is no greater treasure than compost, with its recycled nutrients and complex colonies of microbial life.”
– Starhawk (https://starhawk.org/permaculture/my-personal-journey/)

Continued from above: Racist Past and Present of Portland, and Oregon More Broadly

It is important that we acknowledge the fact that Portland, Oregon is located in the traditional homelands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Watlala Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous nations who made their homes along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. It is our intention in recognizing these communities to honor their lives, their legacies, their elders, their descendants, and the vibrancy and importance of their ongoing work—and to stand in solidarity with them at every opportunity.